Friday, October 28, 2011

Ajloun and Um Qais

So my latest trip was out to a castle in Ajloun and some beautiful ruins in Um Qais.  My life is dedicated to Arabic so I don't get out much, but when I do... its great.  I don't have much to say but enjoy the pics.

A part of the castle, it was pretty cool

Me and a castle!

A beautiful forest in the mountains

 Me and a Valley that separates the Golan heights and Jordan

A pathway.... in Um Qais

Olive Tree with Golan and the sea of Galilee in the back.

Ruins in Um Qais

The Sea of Galilee

A cool pillar

Ruins with the sea of Galilee in the background

Another Roman Amphitheater

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So I've got some updated pics here.  Mostly pics of the apartment and some more of Jordan.

This our most frequently used royal throne along with its bedae(not too sure on the spelling) counter part that doesn't work unfortunately

Our hallway

Our Kitchen

 Our living room

My Bed

Coby sometimes uses his computer for eating and Facebook at the same time.

 The open market in Salt.  It probably was the closest thing yet to my western perception of an Arab market.

I thought this looked cool, it was in some building the king stayed in once.

This is some random amphitheater downtown, They call it the Roman stairs

Pretty Sunset

Coby... looking innocent

I love this picture, (Me, Coby and Jessica) Her head is cut off but we still accept her anyways

Me doing parkour on an ancient ruin!