Saturday, November 3, 2012

Internet Dating...

Online dating holds a special place in our society today. Some people abhor the thought while others ashamedly embrace it and then there are others, like myself, that like brag about it. Since I am not one to keep shy about these things I have heard just about everybody's reaction to online dating since I tried it out. I have to say, I love the shock factor involved. Normally when I would tell someone that I was online dating they responded with a “WHAT!?” I am not sure if they were surprised because they thought I was just not the type to try it or if they were surprised to know that anyone does it at all.

So, normally following the WHAT!? People would either scold me for trying something that should be beneath me or they would proceed to tell me about their friends that tried it or better yet, their friends that got married from it.

I think the modern day impression of people that use online dating is that they are poor, desperate souls that don't have many other options out there to get a date. In reality, most of them just don't have time to get to know people because they have busy schedules. Maybe some of them desperate souls but after having been on a few dates I found that despite the occasional strange ones, most of them were pretty normal.

Anyways, I have since quite internet dating because I found it was actually easier to date in real life for the very reason people turn to it. They have busy schedules, it is near impossible to set up time to meet up with these people. 

For all those that don't mind jumping around other peoples schedules, I really think it is worth a try!